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 What is Movement Medicine?

 The founders of  Movement Medicine  speak about their  experience of their own  method.

 What is Pilates?

 An animated history of the  man behind the technique,  Joseph Hubertus Pilates.

 What is Tamalpa?

 A quick visual of the  Tamalpa Life/Art  process in action.

 Named after the  mountain which the  studio overlooks.

 Anna Halprin at 90

 The pioneer, dancer,  choreographer, artist,  and co-creator of the  life/art process, in  action.

 Anna Halprin at 95

 Celebrating her 95th  birthday, in  performance with her  grandson.

 Anna Halprin at 98

 The icon in action, at    her mountain home  studio. (she turned  100 in July 2020)

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